Myrtle rust is a serious fungal disease, readily spread by wind, that attacks plants of the Myrtaceae family. It can also be transported on clothing and equipment. If you think you’ve come into contact with myrtle rust spores in New Zealand or overseas, please wash your clothes and clean your equipment (such as boots and tools) thoroughly.

For more information click here 


Myrtle Rust has unfortunately been located in a few locations in Taranaki. Myrtle Rust is a serious fungal disease that affects plants in the Myrtaceae family which include some of our native favourites such as Pohutukawa and Manuka. We would like you to know that Palmers New Plymouth is doing everything we can towards stopping the spread of Myrtle Rust.

Please be assured that all plants in the Myrtaceae family here at Palmers New Plymouth are being managed in accordance with MPI regulations including;

  • Regular plant inspections
  • Quarantining and checking of all new stock coming into the garden centre
  • Spraying as a precaution against Myrtle Rust

Palmers New Plymouth uses products that are BioGro certified for organic gardening. In the case of Myrtle Rust and other fungal plant diseases we use Free Flo Copper.

Please be aware that no traces of Myrtle Rust have been located in our store and we are open for business as usual.

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