Olive Picual is a Spanish cultivar producing a heavy yield of medium sized fruit produced early in the season. Olive Picual is an attractive, fast growing tree and can be maintained at a size of 4m x 3m. Not suitable for humid regions.
Plant in full sun, olive trees show a marked preference for soils that are free draining soil with reasonable moisture retention. They tolerate drought well, thanks to their sturdy and extensive root system. Olive trees can be exceptionally long-lived, up to several centuries, and can remain productive for as long, provided they are pruned correctly and regularly. Spread the roots when planting as they are relatively shallow and would benefit from this.
Shelter is important so that trees can establish well and do not damage as they mature, they have a shallow root system. Some air movement is needed for pollination as well as to dissipate frost pockets during winter.
Olive trees are wind pollinated, with the pollen moving 20 - 30 metres from tree to tree. Some varieties are self fertile, but all will benefit from a pollinator. If planting specifically for pickling the fruit, choose a series of varieties that are all suitable for pickling so that harvesting is simplified.
Olives for oil production are harvested when black, but for pickling, some varieties are picked when changing from green to greenish yellow, and others are picked when turning black. Suitable for both pickling and oil production.
Trimming for a more open canopy will assist pollination, air movement, spray penetration and fruit colour.
A winter spray program combining at least one oil/copper spray in winter as for citrus is advisable. Also a copper spray in spring before flowering commences should be adequate to control any fungus problems. Leaf roller caterpillar can be a problem so watch for this throughout summer, especially on young plants.