Asplenium antiquum, probably better known as Bird's Nest Fern is a very striking feature plant with its bright green, wavy edged fronds that grow in a rosette shape forming a bowl or nest shape. They a they thrive in the low, understorey light.
It is an excellent container plant for a sheltered and shaded patio or shade house in warm climates.
If grown indoors it needs warm humid conditions to do well.
This very attractive plant should be positioned for filtered or dappled light, but definitely avoid direct sunlight.
Makes for a bold, tropical effect in shady spots in landscapes.
Asplenium antiquum prefers Humus rich soils, though it will tolerate dry soil on rocks or branches.
Asplenium antiquum likes to be watered freely from spring through to autumn, though reduce watering during winter.
Apply liquid fertiliser once a month to well established plants during their active growth period.
If kept indoors then ensure leaves are kept reasonably dust free.