Radish Sprouts pack all the fiery flavour of full-grown radishes into a delicate little package. Add a peppery punch to any salad or raw dish, with a delicious handful of sprouts. Also great for use as microgreens, these sprouts can be grown inside all year round.
Use a large, wide-mouthed glass jar. Place the seed in the jar and soak in tepid water for about 3 hours. Cover the top of the jar with either muslin, stocking or a cotton handkerchief and hold in place with rubber band. Strain off the water, and leave the jar tilted upside-down to allow good drainage and ventilation. Twice a day, fill the jar with tepid water, shake gently, then drain and tilt the jar again. In about 3-5 days, sprouts should be ready for eating. Germination 2- 3 days | Maturity 3 - 5 days