Ambition produces abundant, small coppery-red teardrop shaped bulbs. Shallots are like an elegant, cultured cousin to onions - with a more subtle flavour and sweetness, especially when caramelised. Delicious chopped raw into salads and dressings and a delight in sauces, soups and stews. They store exceptionally well. Sow in rows, direct where they are to grow, or in seed trays of Yates® Black Magic® Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist. Thin out seedlings to 10cm apart, when large enough to handle. Grow in fertile soil in a sunny well-drained position. Harvest in Midsummer, when the leaves have withered back to the neck of the bulb, and leave shallots lying on the soil for a couple of days to dry out. Store shallots in netting bags or tied into strings in a cool, airy place. Germination 10 - 14 days | Maturity 24 - 28 weeks