Top Lawn Tips

There is nothing quite like wandering barefoot across your backyard, savouring the feeling of grass between your toes. While a lush, green lawn can take some effort, it can also really set off a house and is often the pride and joy of any keen gardener. Knowledge and quality products are key to successful lawn care, which ensures a beautiful, healthy lawn with minimal maintenance later down the track. Whether you are sowing a new lawn or rehabilitating your existing one, read on for our top tips…

1. Sow in the right season

Sowing your lawn in the right season will bring the best chance of success. Spring and autumn are the best times to sow your lawn, so now is the perfect time to get underway!

2. Preparation is key

Ensure your soil is in the best possible condition to give lawn seeds the best chance of germination. Remove any unwanted weeds and grass and add a 50mm layer of Tui Lawn Preparation Mix to the area to create a base of essential nutrients. Fertiliser will also help to promote fast germination and sustained growth of lawn seed.lawn tips

3. Neutralise acidic soil

If your soil is too acidic (a simple pH test will reveal this), add Tui Lime or Dolomite Lime to neutralise and improve soil condition.

4. Select the right blend of seed

Whether you need a low maintenance lawn, a hard wearing lawn for high traffic areas, a fine textured lawn, a drought-tolerant lawn for sandy soils, or are trying to grow a lawn in a shady spot, there will be a specialised blend best suited to the task. Fast-growing and able to germinate in as little as seven days in the right conditions, the Tui Superstrike Lawn range has a wide range to choose from.

5. Spread seed evenlylawn tips

Sow seeds on a fine day at the rate set out on the packaging. Scatter seeds in an east to west direction, then a north to south direction, to ensure an even spread and the best coverage.

6. Keep your new lawn well watered

Water lightly and keep moist on a daily basis during the germination period. Don’t be tempted to mow your new lawn straight away – wait until it has grown to at least 5cm so the root system has had time to develop.

7. Nourish your new lawn

After you mow your new lawn three or four times, apply Lawn Force All Purpose or Lawn Force New lawns to encourage lush, thick, green growth in your lawn. Well-nourished lawns have a better chance of keeping weeds, pest insects and diseases at bay.