When choosing trees and plants for miniature gardens let your imagination run free. The process is almost like painting a scene on a canvas. Start by picturing a real size plant. Next, find a comparable miniature tree or plant to place in the garden. Magically this tiny plant becomes a large shrub in a flower bed or a majestic tree in the woodlands of the miniature world.
Need a lawn? Plant Baby Tears or moss to establish lush, green grass in the front yard of the cottage. The options are endless and we’ve listed some of our favourite plants for miniature gardens below.
Flowers pictured: top left-Dianthus, top right-Cuphea Ignea, bottom left-Iceplant, bottom right-Viola Sororia Freckles
Plants pictured: top left-Dwarf Mondo Grass, top right-Baby Tears, bottom left-Irish Moss, bottom right-Peperomia
Other moss, grasses and ground covers to use are: Banking Grass, Maidenhair, Ficus Pumila, Ajuga, Hadera English Ivy, Isolepis Fairy Lights, Liriope Muscari, Pratia, Thyme Emerald Carpet, Coprosma Prostrata
Range of succulents and cacti pictured
Plants pictured: top left-Buxus English Boxwood, top right-Parlor Palm, bottom left-Buxus Marginata, bottom right-Buxus Green Gem