What does your Chain of Hearts need?

On average, the Chain of Hearts is a relatively easy-care plant. It requires little attention and can be incredibly durable. All you need to know is the environment your plant likes to live in, and how to adapt that environment if necessary to ensure your plant stays happy and loving life!


Which room is the brightest room in your house? No matter what room it is, this is the room your Chain of Hearts wants to live in. Chain of Hearts love bright light but they do not want to be in direct sunshine. So be careful not to fry them. If you are keeping your plant outdoors (which you definitely can if you want to!) it’s best to place it somewhere that has bright shade or filtered sunshine. Under a tree, under the covered section of your deck or outside space, where your plant can enjoy lovely bright light that is not going to burn!


Your Chain of Hearts does not need a lot of water. Although the Chain of Hearts isn’t technically a succulent, you can often treat it like one! During the dry months your plant needs to be watered every two to three days. But it is incredibly important that your plant dries out completely between waterings. Just like succulents, overwatering your plant will be the death of it! During the more wet months of the year, your plant will only need watering once a week at most because it will take longer to dry out between waterings.


Well draining soil is essential. We recommend a succulent & cactus soil mix or half orchid/half succulent soil.


Although your Chain of Hearts does not necessarily need to be re-potted or transplanted due to it being a trailing plant that will not grow out of its pot very quickly. However, you can re-pot your plant as you see fit. If you are going to re-pot it, we recommend doing so in the Summer or Spring.


Your Chain of Hearts does not need frequent or a significant amount of fertilising. However, if you think your plant could do with a pick-me-up the best thing you can do for it is apply a balanced liquid houseplant fertiliser (such as the Yates Thrive Houseplant Liquid Plant Food) in the Spring.


Because you want your Chain of Hearts to trail, very little pruning is needed.
This ‘How To’ Guide has been produced to provide basic information and our experienced staff are available to answer any questions that you may have. Because this guide is of a general nature, neither Palmers nor its staff are responsible for the application of the information, as the contents may need to be modified for individual projects and site applications.